File Size: KB Kilobyte MB Megabyte GB Gigabyte TB Terabyte
Image Size: mm cm m km Width x Height
Resolution: Bitmap, Pixel, Vector
File Formats : JPEG (computer) Tiff (Print) PSD (Working on computer)
RAW (Camera)
You can make a file size smaller working from RAW to JPEG but ...
You can't make a file size BIGGER as information gets lost and the
the image becomes Fuzzy.
File Formats : JPEG (computer) Tiff (Print) PSD (Working on computer)
RAW (Camera)
You can make a file size smaller working from RAW to JPEG but ...
You can't make a file size BIGGER as information gets lost and the
the image becomes Fuzzy.
Colour : R red, G green, B blue used for the computer whereas
C cyan, M magenta, Y yellow and K black is used for print.
C cyan, M magenta, Y yellow and K black is used for print.
Command Z to go back
Command + zoom in
Command + zoom in
Command - zoom out
Control,Command F Full screen
Control,Command F Full screen
Changing a few things to make the clouds more defined.
Changing to Black and white and adding a vignette
I really like the blue of the sky and the green of the grass I wish I'd taken note of what I used to change these things. Have now learnt how to take a screen shot with the vital information.
Finding a image on google
make sure it's a large image
make sure it's a large image
Magnetic Lasso
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